As you must know by now if you read The Scene, The South Florida Theatre League has built an entry for The Great Coconut Grove Bed Race, which you won't actually see anywhere this week, because this Thursday it WOULD have been Slava's Snowshow at The Arsht Center, and someone on the school board down there seems to think that "Get in Bed with the Arts" has a sexual connotation of some sort. So, the South Florida Theater League WILL have a presence at Thursday performance of Slava's Snowshow, but the bed will not. We've heard something about an ersatz beach scene for "summer fun." Sounds like beachy-weachy-fun in sunny.
Speaking of the South Florida Theater League, they're holding Unified Auditions for its member companies on August 12. Contact the league for details.
Anyway, here's your Monday reading list:
Mad Times at Mad Cat
Florida Theater On Stage reports that Mad Cat Theatre Company must be a madhouse, with all that they've got going on at the moment; they've just announced the winners of their first scholarship program, and are now working on opening their first productionat the Miami Theater Center, the world premiere of Jessica Farr's Blow Me, which she's expanded from her one-act play Charming Acts of Misery.
What's the Rush?
Butts In Seats ponders the problems with rush ticket programs.
Where Art and Marketing Meet
Mission Paradox points out that Hollywood's marketing stategy is different that live theater's, and probably makes more sense.
Mom Gets To The Point
Moms Miami gets right to the heart of the Coconut Grove Playhouse saga:
Excuse me if I don’t leap to my feet to applaud Miami-Dade County approving a deal to “save” the Coconut Grove Playhouse.Kinda puts it in perspective, doesn't it?
My oldest daughter was a toddler when the storied playhouse closed in 2006. This fall, she’ll be a freshman in high school.
...in tony Palm Beach, The National Arts Institute has applied for a lease to the storied Royal Poinciana Playhouse, and The Palm Beach Daily News digs into the heart of the mystery facing the South Florida theatre scene: who the heck is the National Arts Institute, anyway?
the historical definition, it is abundantly clear that many theaters in
New York reflect the values—and the struggles—of regional theaters. -
See more at:
the historical definition, it is abundantly clear that many theaters in
New York reflect the values—and the struggles—of regional theaters. -
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