Jim Brochu directs a cast that includes Dan Kelley and Ken Clement.
Brandon K. Thorp reviewed for the Broward/Palm Beach New Times:
At Broward Stage Door, all the punters wanted was a competent reading, a respectful treatment, a soft warm gush of memories of pleasanter times in plusher theaters. That's all. What they got was an hour and a half of God-awful wailing piped out of a P.A. system that was unable to cope with Ken Clement's industrial-strength voicebox.
To put it simply: Ken Clement does not need a mic.
Clement makes a damned good Oscar. Smart, sly, and passionate, his Oscar is a happy and unpretentious mammal, a being who knows what he likes and isn't ashamed to pursue it. And Dan Kelley — who, from the back row, moves and sounds a bit like Conan O'Brien in the middle of a hair-wiggling conniption — is a fine, frenetic (though perhaps too flamboyant) Felix Ungar.
The unnecessary P.A. system is symbolic of the company's whole approach to the attempt: Every gesture is big, broad, and often as overdone as the ruined London broil that sends Felix into a tizzy in act two.The Odd Couple plays at Broward Stage Door through June 7, 2009
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